
Helping Relationships: Reflection Paper- Part 2

Posted on February 20, 2024. Filed under: CCEF, Helping Relationships, marriage, Reflection Paper |

Have you heard the story attributed to Ernest Hemingway, when at lunch with other writers that he boasted he could write a novel in six words? He bet that he could, then penned, “For sale, baby shoes, never worn.” This story is understood to be an urban myth rather than a true account, but it has inspired writers and teachers to pick up the challenge! Think about what is most important to you. What is a key feature of your faith, life or character, or what you desire to achieve? This is challenging, but we are looking for creativity here! Here are a few examples that I could write and expand upon:
“Loving God and others, a blessing.”
“Music opens my heart and eyes.”
“Faithful to the end; can I?”
“Let me ask before I speak.”
Describe yourself in 6 words that tell the story of you. Expand this into a longer story that gives an explanation for each (1 page total). Then, describe someone else using the same method. Also, include an explanation. (1 page total) Consider sending the person who blessed you a thank you note.

I am describing my husband (with his permission)

Open honest pessimist that loves Jesus

My husband is a very open honest guy. I really do love that about him. He is willing to share his struggles, he tells you what he thinks, and unlike me, he does not struggle with people’s approval. However, he is also a pessimist! Despite being married to a forever optimist, he still seems to always see the glass half empty. We often joke that Jon always sees the grass as greener somewhere else. For example, I see Jon do this with how much or how little he works. If he isn’t working a ton, he starts wishing he had more work. He sometimes worries about the money part of that etc. If he is working a lot, he wishes he had more time off and time to himself (even though he is probably doing better money wise at the moment). We talk a lot about being content, and I really do see God working in his heart in that area. That leads me to the next point; Jon loves Jesus. I have seen Jesus grow and stretch him over our years of marriage in numerous ways. It is a gift for me to see him follow Jesus down the path of trust and obedience. Sometimes it takes a while, because Jon hates change, but what more beautiful thing can a wife ask for than to see her husband trusting Jesus with difficult things and praying for a renewed, softened heart? My prayer is that he continues to see the hope of Jesus- even through his lens of pessimism/realism. I want him to know Jesus deeper, and keep falling more and more in love with him as his relationship with Christ grows.

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Married to my job?

Posted on March 8, 2011. Filed under: Kindergarten, marriage, personal, reflection, teaching and learning |

What determines a good marriage?  How much time you spend with the other person? How many years you have been together? How well you get along?

Probably all of these things play a role in what a good marriage looks like… well… which one of these plays a role in how good of a teacher you are?  Which one of these proves you are married to your job? Perhaps how much time you spend at work?  How many years you have been teaching?  How good you are at it?

By no means do I want to consider myself one of “those” people who is married to their job, but when I look at the stats, it’s kind of frightening!

  Husband Teaching
Time spent together on an average day 3 hours 9.5 hours
How many years together total 5 years 4 years Uni 1 yr teaching
How good I am at being a wife/teacher I’m learning I’m learning
How much $ I have spent on them since Sept. $50 $350+
Minutes spent talking ABOUT them per day 2-5 min? 30 min

Do I love my husband? Absolutely! Do I love my job? Yes! But did this little blog post make me realize what is important to me and what SHOULD be important to me… very much so.  As teachers I think we sometimes let our JOB take over our LIFE.  I want to be a wife before I’m a teacher.  Even though I value what I do at school, I want to make sure that I value what I have at home even more.  If you are a teacher, and you are reading this right now, I encourage you to get off your computer and go show your closest friends or family that you love them more than your job.  Let me know how it goes!

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