Archive for November, 2014

How can teacher’s make learning math and reading EASIER?

Posted on November 12, 2014. Filed under: edublog, educational, Grade 1 & 2 |

I asked my class this very question this afternoon. For our school division’s Learning Improvement Plan, we have some major goals around reading and math. As teachers, we sometimes spin our wheels trying to think of new and different ways to help kids learn how to read or “get” math better.

I took notes during a talking circle where THE KIDS told me what they think!

1) Teachers need to be more serious. (Ha! I’m putting my grumpy eyebrows on tomorrow FOR SURE.)

2) For reading, we should sound it out.

3) Teachers should test us more. (Ick. I hate tests.)

4) We should be reading harder books.

5) The grade ones could be paired with the grade 2’s so that the grade 2’s can help us read words we don’t know.

6) We should keep trying and don’t give up. (Two students said this.)

7) We could use the iPads and practice with RazKids (reading program) and math games. (Check out my class blog to see some of the math games we use in grade 1 and 2.)

8) Have our parents help us read the word.

9) The teacher reads the book first, then we can read it back to them.

10) To help us with math, we should play dice games where we practice adding the two dice together.

Well there you have it! The students have some ideas on how to improve reading and math in the classroom. This might be a neat activity for every teacher to do. You ever know what your students want to see happen for their learning improvement!

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